Ummah Tajia Organization of Sufism is a non-profit organization designed to promote peace and knowledge in the spirit of Divine wisdoms "Tauheed". The world of present era is suffers from various human conditions like poverty, hunger, violence, diseases and unawareness from religion, under such circumstance any Sufi Organization offers the world a comprehensive insurance plan - no deductible necessary. It is a plan that is inclusive and brings meanings rather than rhetoric. It acknowledges the significance of life and the value of peace for all humanity.
The phenomenon of Sufism is to endeavor in every instant to be in service of Divine "Nur", In this is the lived expressed of compassion, spiritual healing from mental and physical diseases or disorders, and give courage to face hardships. And to show the needy seekers the true path of Islam and to provide them the service of IH (Islamic Spiritual Heeling & Therapy) without any discrimination of race, religion, sect, or nationality offered by finest Muslim healers and therapists.
Baba Sahib's Aficionados
Ummah Tajia is a humble attempt formed based on purely Islamic spirituality (Sufism) , in the guidance provided by the Quran, Sharia and Tariqat (Practice and conduct) on the foot steps of Taji Silsila (Order) of August Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.). Who is a beloved scion of Panjatan-e-Pak (click to detail Family tree). Taji Order have a very deep affiliation with all other Sufi Orders simultaneously, namely as:
- Qadria Order
- Suharwardia Order
- Naqshbandia Order
- Chishtia Order
- Qalandria Order
- Junaida Order
- Tufria Order
- Nuria Order and other illustrious Saints of Islam.
Ummah Tajia promotes, spread and impact teaching of Taji Order which is based on pure Islamic teaching and all the venerable Aulia Allah's. Ummah Tajia is bound and always committed to the rules and orders of August Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.). and August Hazrat Amma Bibi Marium Taji (r.a.).
Importance of tajbaba.com Web Site
The development of tajbaba.com is an initial effort of Ummah Tajia. With the grace of Almighty Allah and Blessings of Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) And His Ruhani Daughter Amma Marium Taji (r.a.) it is the sole duty of Ummah Tajia to update with the latest events and further details including other great saints of world and provide you with the treasure of Islamic Healing and Therapies extracted from the Noble Quran and Sunnah. We pray to Almighty Allah to protect us from all those evil minds that not to consider this tajbaba.com site as Biddah or Shirk and this website be beneficial for the pilgrims to Durbar Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) and strength their faith and belief in the religion (Islam).
The website tajbaba.com deals with the all absorbing life inspiring, saying, interesting discovers biography, miracles, stories of blessings, and stimulating tours and travels of the great Sufi Saint of this century and for next seven hundred years Baba Tajuddin Aulia Nagpuri Shansha Hafte Aqleem Al Hassani Wal Husseini. Who born in India, but originally His Majesty’s ancestors belongs to Madina with direct link from the family of Holy Prophet Mohammed Mustafa ( SallAllah Aliwasalam). Those ancestors migrated to India (for more details on ancestors click here). This is a great mercy of Almighty Allah that He blessed us the birth of Baba Tajuddin Aulia Nagpuri Shansha Hafte Aqleem Al Hassani wal Husseini which fills the gap of darkness, and brought the harbinger of peace and humanism and as an ambassador of unity and goodwill, who ultimately came to be identified as:
Those who came under Baba’s shelter, affiliated with Prophet Mohammed (SallAllah Wa Alih Wasalam), and got affiliated with Almighty Allah.
Personality highlight
He is essentially – A great Wali (Saint) of Allah and His teaching, messages echoes and re-echoes are not hidden under the layer of history but are true to this day as it was delivered decades ago and are brought for you by a brain child vision of Khalifa–e–Doeem (The Second Caliph of Baba Tajuddin Aulia r.a.) Dr. Syed Mohammed Rafique Ahmed Taji & His Family (Ahalay Durbar) and dedicated efforts of Ummah Tajia with the grace of Almighty Allah and Blessings of Nabi-e-Paak Serwer–e–Kayyenat Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa SallAllah Hoalkey Wasalum bless with a live miracle of Baba Tajuddin Aulia Nagpuri Shansha Hafte Aqleem Al Hassani wal Husseini.
There is no god but Him Allah, And Mohammed (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the last messenger And Prophet of Almighty Allah.
Ummah Tajia Roots
The Ummah Tajia is a non-profit Islamic organization belonging to Taji Silsila (Order) of August Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.). Ummah Tajia was founded by a group of young Muslim intellectuals at November, 2001. To promote all constructive efforts and ideas in solving social problems inside and outside the community.
Ummah Tajia works on the bases of NGO (Non–Governmental Organization) and NPO (Non–Profitable Organization). Which act as a international, non-political, purely independent organization. when we say religious it does not mean fanatic or conservative fake Muslims those who practice wrong believes. The founders, workers, co - workers, organizers infact each and every members of Ummah Tajia are belongs to highly educated, professional and specialized individuals in their fields, beside this, they perform there Islamic and religious duties/obligations simultaneously. These members are Surgeons, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Businessmen, spiritual healer (s), and more...., this confirms that Ummah Tajia is a group educated individuals comes under one umbrella and with one vast vision. The vision of promoting the propagation of the true beliefs of Islam, Sunnah and with great treasure of Islamic way of spiritual healing under the under the guidance of Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.). The guiding light of the Organization is the saying of Baba Taj ul Aulia (ra), "Tajuddin is a sea of benevolence".
Birth of Ummah Tajia
Ummah Tajia which is a registered organization who is bridging the gaps in between the materialistic world and the spiritual world, knowledge to those who are true seekers. Ummah Tajia will help to motivate all those individually or a group of people who are interested and eager to get escape from the web of financial instabilities, physical and mental diseases, socio-economical problems, envy & hatred for others, of brazen shamelessness, obscenity & indecency, disregard & disrespect for elders and general alienation and anomie.
Infrastructure of Ummah Tajia
Ummah Tajia is using high tech infrastructure and data base system for its organization, publication, and promotional companies, Its is proud to utilizing the services of highly educated professionals for developing and building of website, publications projects of August Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.). At present Ummah Tajia is working with the following hierarchy of management.
Hierarchy of Management
Though the devotees of Taji Order is spread around the world and in the present era this is the most spreading Islamic Sufi Order. As Ummah Tajia is a a Taji Order Welfare Organization, Which is proudly registered trust by the Government of Pakistan. But, our services are globalize and Taji Order are serving since 1930. As per accordance of present requisition of Islamic spiritual healing gaps, Ummah Taji reform and re-engineered its exist resources with the grace of Almighty Allah and with the blessings of August Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) in the form of IH (Islamic Spiritual Healing & Therapies).
Services Benevolence
Ummah Tajia main aim is to give consultation while respecting its limitation. For any spiritual treatment all applications either submitted online ( Link to IH) or contacted directly on IH centers, will be refer to a Spiritual Healer / practitioner or to say more appropriately as Spiritual Doctors who are experts by treating with Qur'anic methodologies and Tib-e-Nabawi, and so far success rate is almost 98.27%.
As Ummah Tajia is operating various mega budgeted projects and your donations are always welcome for the contribution. Ummah Tajia's fund will always be utilized for the help these humanitarian welfare projects.
Aims, Projects, & Activities
Ummah Tajia involves in various humanitarian based development projects in Pakistan and abroad. The main concept behind these mega budgeted projects & activates are as follows,"Khanqah-e-TajulAreeffin" - An ambitious project of Second Caliph Hazrat Syed Baba Rafique Ahmed Taji (r.a) and Ahalay Durbar. This project is to provide high class ultra modern facility Auditoriums for Mehfils (Islamic Sufi estic Concerts), to arrange, manage, organize, of set up langer khanas (free kitchens), for the distribution of food among visitors and poor at Astanas (Authorized Great Royal Courts of Saints). read more»»
To help an individual in a Islamic way to practice the Zikr of Allah (Remembering recital of the praise and names of Almighty Allah) and His Prophet Mohammed Mustafa Sardar-e-Kainat, (peace be upon him).
To improve comprehension on Islamic way of life in developing of harmonic and solid society.
Awareness and remember the Aulia-Allah, (Saints in Islam) and assimilate their practices (Amal = Acts) in reaching the spiritual heights and goals.
To promote all constructive efforts and ideas in solving every social problems by the means of IH (Islamic Spiritual Healing & Therapies) inside and outside the Islamic community.
To provide the means and facilities for work for widows and orphans.
To develop an Islamic education system in improving social insight by setting up institutions of learning in form of Library read more»»
Benevolence of Bawa Tajuddin
Amma Sahiba
Through encouraging the blessed Sunnah of the Beloved Messenger (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) it aims to light the Beacon of love, admiration and affection of the Beloved Messenger Mohammed (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in the hearts of each believer, and through this it endeavors to perfect the body, soul and mind by molding each Muslim’s life according to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
The sole purpose of Ummah Tajia is to motivate each believer to become a true believer; inspiring them to remain steadfast in fulfilling the commands of Allah Almighty and to shine as a true respectful and humble devotee to the Beloved Messenger (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and these are the main teachings by Ammal – 'Acts' and Afaal – 'Sayings' what Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) & Amma Marium Walia (r.a.) and thus helping them to graciously adhere to the blessed life and Sunnah of the Beloved Messenger (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) which is the best example to emulate. Glory to Allah, this Islamic propagation movement is growing significantly.
Geographical Presence
The glorious shrine of Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) is situated in Nagpur, India, and now through the grace of Allah and Baba Tajuddin Aulia Nagpuri (r.a.) & Amma Marium Walia (r.a.) beloveds this movement is continuously expanding in various parts of the world, under the guidance of the scholars, Intellectuals from all aspects of life is already prominent in countries like: India; United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Europe, Holland, and insha’Allah aims to spread and help Humanity in other countries too.
Weekly Congregation
Weekly congregations of Baba Tajuddin Aulia Nagpuri (r.a.) & Amma Marium Walia (r.a.) are held in Karachi, Hyderabad, Merpurkhass, (Pakistan), and other parts of the world usually on Tuesday and Thursday. Where as special events of Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) & Amma Marium Walia (r.a.) (click for detail events) are also celebrating on huge scales in all different Astanas ( Royal Courts).
Please see contact list of regional offices in various countries for details about Mehfils organized in your area. These Mehfils are held for Islamic perching from which numerous gained valuable amount of knowledge, spiritual healings, guidance according to Qur'an and Sunnah–e–Rasool ( SallAllah Wa aliwasullum) to improved their lives in all respective, immensely to the teachings of Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) and will insha’Allah continue to do so.
Word of Thanks
In the end, we the organizers and management of Ummah Tajia would wish and pray that may Almighty Allah guide us to Siratel Mustakeem ( On the straight path of Allah) and may Baba Tajuddin Aulia (r.a.) & Amma Marium Walia (r.a.) accept and bless us our humble and negligible contribution to the cause of mysticism of His Order and guide us as His Majesty's humble devotees in this world and here after.